Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Internet

Sometimes, the internet is a very dark place, as though the veil of propriety were tossed aside and you have a vision of man in all of his fallen ugliness. It's as though we have abandoned the hard work of forming meaningful relationships and retreated into the security of the computer screen. It rather depressed me today.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I'm Back...and so is Baldacci. Sigh.

Despite the very disappointing results from yesterday's election, I have two thoughts on which to cling:

1. Romans 13: God places rulers and gives them authority.

In every situation, we may learn one thing or see one, two, or twenty ways God may be working, but our minds are so finite and short-sighted. In every situation, God is working and doing a THOUSAND different things which we know NOTHING about. Our faith must fall hard upon that sovereign thought.

2. The work of the church is missions.

As citizens, we are called to give to Casesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's. My primary purpose as I strive to glorify God by enjoying him forever is to participate with the church in the work of missions. When I say missions, I mean working so that every nation, people, tribe and tongue might come before God in worship. I give Caesar my taxes, and my votes, but the church's offering to God is the nations. We must never confuse "taking the government for God" with a thoroughly Biblical theology of missions through the church.