Monday, March 05, 2007

Thoughts on Ruth

So, I am teaching Ruth in my Old Testament class. And my preparations have been challenging to my own faith as I dig deeper into the text- especially in light of what Matt and I have been talking and praying through together and some of the challenges we have faced lately.

On Sunday, part my pastor's sermons on 1 Timothy 4 had to do with perseverance as an instruction for young Timothy's ministry. He said, "God expects faithfulness, not success." And I have been reminded more and more of the faithful endurance of saints gone by and how easily swayed I and my Christian culture seem to be when anything even begins to feel hard or unsuccessful.

Part of a commentary on Ruth that I read said that her faithfulness in the story was reflected in the following ways:

1. She was faithful to God despite bitter setbacks. (Death of husband, new land, etc.)
2. She was free from the securities and comforts of the world. (i.e. she left her own home)
3. She had the courage to venture into the strange and unknown to be faithful.
4. She had a radical commitment to the relationships in her life which God had appointed.

That I could be this kind of woman!

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